So, I've been on the dealing with all day. Back in June I bought a box of produce from them for half price using one of those deal sights that offer a different deal each day for half the price. This one was called Moolala, but you've probably seen others like Living Social and Groupon.
This farm I'm dealing with is unable to produce the amount of product they sold so now I'm still waiting for my stuff, even though they've had my money for months. This is a classic case. Be careful when you purchase these half priced vouchers for things. That hot house yoga instructor may not have realized she'd sell so many sessions. She also didn't keep in mind that everyone waits until the last minute to use their vouchers, which means the last class of the day on the day before the voucher expires is going to be standing room only.
So now I'm looking in to a refund, because unlike a yoga class which could, maybe, be pushed back to make room for the influx of people. I am not willing to wait any longer for this farm to grow enough cabbage to send to me (or whatever was in the box I ordered. At this point, I honestly can't even remember).
The moral of this story is to be leery of the groupons and living social deals or whatever site you use. I'm not saying its a scam, I'm just saying they sometimes can't produce what they intended to in the time frame they promised. If you make an appointment or redeem it early you may be fine, as most people wait until the last minute. Also, if you're in no hurry and can wait for them to have time for you, you won't find a set back like mine frustrating. So.. go ahead and buy that half off facial, but don't only buy it because you are going to your cousins wedding next week and HAVE to have it. You may not get it in time.
Take care.
11:14 AM |
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