DIY Sandals!

This flip flop tutorial was posted on one of the blogs I read. I thought it was a great way to dress up some cheap flip flops. I personally don't wear them because I hate the plastic straps (and have a strong aversion to anything between my toes, ever.) but thought these might give me a dressier option on the cheap. Sorting through my bag of scraps I found some cute doilies I got at the dollar store. Here's what I came up with for Skye.

They were exceptionally easy to make. I probably spent a grand total of five minutes on both shoes.

Here's the tutorial!

Choose the flip flop you want to convert. Here, we clearly chose the dirtiest and least photogenic shoe we could find. In retrospect, a nice clean shoe would have made for a much nicer tutorial! =)

Cut off the straps and toss 'em.

 Cut out six strips of fabric. Three for each shoe. I used some green sweatshirt material so it would be soft and cushy between Skye's toes. I placed the doily here to show the size I used. But, you can use whatever fabric or lace or whatever you'd like.

Run the strips of fabric through whichever loop you choose to be the "front" of your shoe. We played around with the doily on the top of our feet to see what looked best. Once you get it placed, wedge the loose ends through the front hole, where it will go between your toes.

Repeat this stop for the side holes.

Geez! The bottom of these shoes are even dirtier than the tops! At any rate, this is what the bottom should look like once you've pushed all the strips of fabric through. Tie them off with as many knots as you need to ensure they won't pull back through the holes.

Cut off the excess fabric.

Annnnd... Voila! New shoes.

I have to admit, Skye is not wild for these shoes. She thinks they look too grown up. I personally love them and will be making a pair for myself using the same doilies in white. I would really like to find a nicer soled flip flop to use and make a similar pair with a really nice black lace and some fabric stiffener. I think they could look nice with a party dress and give a heel-like look without the extra height. (I'm 5'9" and tend to feel like a giraffe in "sexy heels").

So, there ya go. If anyone makes a version of this, let me know! I'd love to see it!

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